Part 2


The first plan is an entry level program using basic explosive, dynamic exercises. Out of this 3 plan this is the beginner level.

You can do this full body workout 2-3 times a week for 4-6 weeks!

Do 3-5 sets of this workout after warming up! Don't forget to stretch after your workout!

You can also do only the upper body exercises as part of your horizontal push/pull upper body workout using this method as a new stimulus to your muscles.

Members only

This content available only members!

Part 3


Intermediate level program with explosive exercises based on the Primal programs.

You can do this full body workout 2-3 times a week for 4-6 weeks!

Do 3-5 sets of this workout after warming up! Don't forget to stretch after your workout!

You can also do only the upper body exercises as part of your horizontal push/pull upper body workout using this method as a new stimulus to your muscles.

Members only

This content available only members!

Part 4


Advanced level program with explosive exercises.

You can do this full body workout 2-3 times a week for 4-6 weeks!

Do 3-5 sets of this workout after warming up! Don't forget to stretch after your workout!

You can also do only the upper body exercises as part of your horizontal push/pull upper body workout using this method as a new stimulus to your muscles.

Members only

This content available only members!

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